We started with quarterly reports to be more transparent with our employees, instructors, and students — the SmartNinjas.
We believe that in today’s world, it’s more important than ever to build trust — and what better way to do it than this. We have looked at the data from our last quarter (Q3-2020), and here are the results.
Hundreds of students from 10 different cities joined a SmartNinja course in Q3 2020
39.4 % of our students were female
The average course grade was 8.6/10. ⭐
Students who finished our courses in July, August, and September of 2020, rated them with an average of 8.6/10.
Online courses are here to stay
The coronavirus pandemic still has big influence on our courses and we strongly believe that online courses are here to stay.
We are seeing many benefits of offering SmartNinja courses through live video streaming. For the first time, we see people attending from rural areas or from smaller cities which was not possible before. We are happy that we can now bring our courses to a much wider audience.
Our first billboard in Lublin, Poland
At SmartNinja we mostly use online channels to tell people about us and our courses. But this time our franchise partner in Poland decided to try something else. So here it is. Our first billboard. We love it! ❤️
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