This is an issue that plagues so many young newcomers as well as already established business people.
“Can I learn programming and what do I need for it?”
The answer is: OF COURSE!
- With programming knowledge, you can open up an infinite number of new possibilities for progress.
- With the acquired knowledge, you become more efficient in the existing workplace.
- With the acquired knowledge you understand the operation of the internal IT team in the workplace.
- You can become an entrepreneur with your own cutting-edge technology product.
- You can create your own website, or create one for someone who needs it.
We are all programmers … Let’s say
There is a little programmer hiding in each of us. We’ve all experienced part of the programming world as early in the morning with starting the microwave and connecting the TV to an outdoor unit, perhaps by switching cables to make Wi-Fi work more, or by critically thinking about how strange a website looks.
For all of the above, you have already used programming skills and a way of thinking that is close to programmers.
Why not upgrade this knowledge?
At SmartNinja, we firmly believe that anyone can become a programmer. Technology has become very accessible and people are increasingly understanding it.
The COVID situation has further accelerated that matter. Now the kids open Youtube quicker than chocolate bar, and our grandparents are waiting at the front door for the packages they ordered online. Wouldn’t it be cool to be a part of web development?!
We are also lucky that there are more and more simple tools to help with programming. With practice and constant “testing”, you can become a true master of programming in one year. In this way, you will be able to co-create the World Wide Web, learn creative thinking and security on the Internet, … That way, you will not only be a user, but also a developer of a fast-growing world.
The only thing you need to get started with SmartNinja courses is the desire to constantly learn, your steel will, and 1.5 hours of your free-time in the afternoon.
Sounds simple, right?
Try your hand at programming!
With the courses for beginners you can:
- Adapt learning programming to time and needs
- You retrain your career to a better / another position
- Learn the skills that employers are currently looking for (and paying great salary )
- Gain additional knowledge with which you can upgrade your afternoon hobby
So … our answer is YES, anyone can learn programming. With SmartNinja programming courses this is even easier